Learner coaching

Stuck on your professional development plan (PDP)? Know what you need to know but not where to get it? Linguistpd is here to help! Wendy Ledeux has over 18 years’ experience in the industry and has spent nearly half of those training interpreters and would-be-interpreters.

A session can be arranged online or face-to-face (dependent on location) to help you assess and address your learning needs. This will not be a mentoring or supervision session, but Wendy may signpost you to either, depending on your need.


What you can expect:

Wendy will ask you a series of questions over email or the telephone, followed by a 45 minute meeting (online or face-to-face dependent on location) whereby you will be assisted to create and achieve your learning outcomes. Following this session you can choose to have further meetings or a follow up by email, to give you that motivation to progress towards achieving those outcomes!

Of course you can claim this time as your continued professional development (subject to your registration body’s requirements) and if you are freelance, this is a tax-deductible expense – A worthwhile investment all round!


Email training@linguistpd.co.uk or use our Contact Us form and book your session today!