What you'll learn

In this webinar Clare will briefly revisit the terms and language from her first webinar, including the notion of a rhetorical tree stucture and the importance of having a global understanding of the source message. Clare will then build on this to introduce further tools which learners can apply to their BSL-English interpretation. This webinar is suitable for both qualified and trainee interpreters and will assist you to build on the skills you already have.

Learners will be led through 2 practical exercises and be given guidance for self reflection.

It is not a pre-requisite to have viewed Clare’s first webinar but you will likely find it useful to do so.

Learning Outcomes:

During this webinar learners can expect:

  • To revise/famliarise themselves with storytelling features from session 1
  • An explanation of the concepts of audience design and audience care.
  • Assistance to understand further storytelling tools.
  • The opportunity to take part in 2 practical exercises to trial these tools.


  • This qualifies for 2 structured points

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What users are saying about this training

"great first experience, thanks"

"you can practice in a safe environment. Short, sharp straight to the point. Nice chat function"

"First webinar, really enjoyed it, thans very much."

What users are saying about Linguistpd training

"Really enjoy the webinars, can’t wait for more after the summer. Really great concept and incredibly useful to talk to others."

"Thank you very much, really useful training :)"

"Thank you really worthwhile. hope to do it again."