Accessible training

Recorded training

Trauma-Informed Interpreting Practise – sessions 2 & 3

Cost from £90

Continue your journey into trauma-informed interpreting practise with sessions 2 and 3.

How safe are you in your professional relationships with colleagues and patients? 

Are you responding to demands in fight, flight or fawn response? 

What do you know about the window of tolerance? 

This training will benefit you, whether working in a business environment  with Deaf professionals, patients in mental health, clients undergoing social services interventions and everything in between. 

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Recorded training

Trauma-Informed Interpreting Practise – session 1

Cost from £45

In the first part of a 3 part webinar, This training will challenge and illuminate your ideas and understanding about the impact of trauma on your interpreting practise.

How safe are you in your professional relationships with colleagues and patients? 

Are you responding to demands in fight, flight or fawn response? 

What do you know about the window of tolerance? 

This training will benefit you, whether working in a business environment  with Deaf professionals, patients in mental health, clients undergoing social services interventions and everything in between. 

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Recorded training

Trauma-Informed Interpreting Practise – 3 part webinar

Cost from £135

How safe are you in your professional relationships with colleagues and patients? 

Are you responding to demands in fight, flight or fawn response? 

What do you know about the window of tolerance? 

This training will benefit you, whether working in a business environment  with Deaf professionals, patients in mental health, clients undergoing social services interventions and everything in between. 


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Recorded training

Autism and Learning Disability In Deaf Adults

Cost from £40

Dr Kevin Baker will discuss how learning disabilities and autism manifest themselves in Deaf adults’ behaviour and communication. The impact of language deprivation will also be explored.

Professionals who work with Deaf adults with autism and learning disability will be invited to consider ways to adjust the way they work to improve communication.

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Recorded training

Safeguarding Adults – What Interpreters Should Know

Cost from £40

BSL-Interpreted: During this webinar you will learn what constitutes a vulnerable adult, what types of meetings you may be asked to interpret and what procedures will be in place. There will be an opportunity to ask questions of our specialist trainer and raise any dilemmas you would like to be discussed.

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Recorded training

Strategies for talking about English in BSL – Ideas for interpreters and CSWs supporting students in an English language class – subtitled

Cost from £40


Supporting sign language users in an English language class presents unique challenges. Until recently, there has been a lack of collated signs for terms that are likely to crop up in an English language class such as tenses, idioms, adjectives and phrasal verbs.

In this webinar Russell Aldersson shares important research undertaken with teachers of English to sign language users (and some interpreters & CSWs), examining the role of British Sign Language in the teaching of English to Deaf adult learners. You will also benefit from your colleagues’ suggestions made during the webinar’s practical exercises. 

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Recorded training

Strategies for talking about English in BSL – Ideas for interpreters and CSWs supporting students in an English language class

Cost from £40

Supporting sign language users in an English language class presents unique challenges. Until recently, there has been a lack of collated signs for terms that are likely to crop up in an English language class such as tenses, idioms, adjectives and phrasal verbs.

In this webinar Russell Aldersson shares important research undertaken with teachers of English to sign language users (and some interpreters & CSWs), examining the role of British Sign Language in the teaching of English to Deaf adult learners. You will also benefit from your colleagues’ suggestions made during the webinar’s practical exercises. 

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Recorded training

Psychological Games: When we play them and who we play them with – subtitled

Cost from £40


Drawing upon the theory of Transactional Analysis, this webinar is an opportunity to increase your capacity for self-reflection.  To help you reflect upon those moments when you leave an interpreting assignDrawing upon the theory of Transactional Analysis, this webinar is an opportunity to increase your capacity for self-reflection.  To help you reflect upon those moments when you leave an interpreting assignment and you just don’t know what went wrong.

Jill will explain what psychological Games are, highlight different ways of understanding how Games are played, when we play Games, who we play Games with and what feelings emerge when we play them.



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Recorded training

Working with Deaf Professionals – Power & Privilege

Cost from £40

BSL interpreted

Based on research from 2010, Caron Wolfenden will explore the highs and lows of working with Deaf professionals.  Looking at a variety of settings, Caron will discuss the interpersonal and intrapersonal dynamics around working with clients in their professional domains and how we can seek to have positive working relationships.  After all, we all want to enjoy our work, don’t we?

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Recorded training

Legal Interpreting – What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

Cost from £40

Legal interpreting – does it worry you? ‘What if I make a mistake, what if I don’t understand the deaf person, what if …?’

Byron looks at some of the language and translation issues that commonly arise in these settings and a variety of coping strategies to ensure we are providing a ‘safe’ and effective service for all those concerned.

There will also be time set aside in this session to address learners’ ‘dilemma’ questions; what should I do if …, what will happen if …?

Structured CPD Points: 2

Subtitles provided

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Recorded training

How do deaf children develop sign language?

Cost from £40

How do deaf children learn sign language? What are the milestones in sign language acquisition? Kate Rowley from University College London will elaborate on this during her webinar, also explaining the impact of late access to language on deaf children, with parallels to cases of delayed language in hearing children.

This presentation will be delivered in British Sign Language and interpreted into English. 


Structured CPD Points: 2

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Online course

Recorded training

Professional Boundaries – maintaining wellbeing for you and your clients

Cost from £95

Learn more about Linguistpd’s subtitled online course: “Professional Boundaries – maintaining wellbeing for you and your clients”. You can sign up for the free trial here or dive right into the full version!

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