Recorded training

Safeguarding and Child Protection for Interpreters

Cost from £35

Interpreting in child protection can be challenging and rewarding. There are procedures which must be adhered to and specific jargon interpreters will need to be familiar with. During this recorded webinar you’ll learn about the processes, language and potential dilemmas for interpreters working in child protection. You will also gain an understanding of potential signs of child abuse.

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Interpreting in Healthcare Settings

Cost from £40

This webinar is an interactive session with opportunities for reflection and discussion. It sets out to examine some of the issues pertaining to interpreting in healthcare settings. Russell will discuss our role, how consecutive interpreting can be used to good effect and help us to identify challenges that may arise in the medical domain.

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Exploring The Self – Interpreting Counselling & Psychotherapy Sessions

Cost from £40

Learn about the different types of therapy used, begin to assess your suitability for this domain and look at some of the practicalities of interpreting in psychotherapy.

Learning Outcomes:

  • An opportunity for personal reflection on our readiness for working in counselling and psychotherapy.
  • An understanding of different modalities including – CBT, Humanistic and Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic
  • An awareness of how to prepare to interpret a therapy session
  • Knowledge of the practicalities of interpreting in counselling and psychotherapy.

Structured CPD points: 2

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Strategies for talking about English in BSL – Ideas for interpreters and CSWs supporting students in an English language class – subtitled

Cost from £40


Supporting sign language users in an English language class presents unique challenges. Until recently, there has been a lack of collated signs for terms that are likely to crop up in an English language class such as tenses, idioms, adjectives and phrasal verbs.

In this webinar Russell Aldersson shares important research undertaken with teachers of English to sign language users (and some interpreters & CSWs), examining the role of British Sign Language in the teaching of English to Deaf adult learners. You will also benefit from your colleagues’ suggestions made during the webinar’s practical exercises. 

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Strategies for talking about English in BSL – Ideas for interpreters and CSWs supporting students in an English language class

Cost from £40

Supporting sign language users in an English language class presents unique challenges. Until recently, there has been a lack of collated signs for terms that are likely to crop up in an English language class such as tenses, idioms, adjectives and phrasal verbs.

In this webinar Russell Aldersson shares important research undertaken with teachers of English to sign language users (and some interpreters & CSWs), examining the role of British Sign Language in the teaching of English to Deaf adult learners. You will also benefit from your colleagues’ suggestions made during the webinar’s practical exercises. 

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Supporting Deaf Children in Primary Education

Cost from £40

We had a really inspiring presentation and discussion lead by Marilyn Henderson, who shared insights into her work with Deaf children. She discusses challenges faced in primary mainstream education, working with Deaf Teaching Assistants & ToDs, adapting resources for Deaf children and what we can do to improve outcomes for Deaf children!

Structured CPD points: 2

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Strategies when interpreting into English: What we can learn from International Sign interpreting

Cost from £40

Looking to improve your voiceover or just curious to know more about international sign? In this webinar you’ll learn how International Sign can assist your day-to-day voice over (sign language to English/spoken language) skills.

Brett shares several strategies utilised by interpreters as they took a highly visual piece of communication in International Sign, and interpreted the message into spoken English. This research is applicable and will be of interest to interpreters of national sign languages, such as BSL/English interpreters, and ASL/English interpreters because all of the strategies identified are techniques that many sign language interpreters do or could use in their everyday work.

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